6 steps to fix bad request 404 errors in Gmail on Chrome

Are you trying to figure out why you are getting bad request 404 errors in your Google Chrome?

Trying to either sign out of Gmail or sign in using Gmail, and it’s returning this helpful error:

Bad Request 
Error 400

“We’re sorry, but your account is temporarily unavailable. we apologise for the inconvenience and suggest trying again in a few minutes. You can view the google workspace status dashboard for the current status of the service.”

I was wondering and searching for the same thing!

Luckily for you, I have been able to fix it, and I am sharing the instructions here.

I hope it helps you too.

How to fix bad request 404

1. Go to the page that has the error
2. Right-click the page and select Inspect
3. Select Application
4. Go to Storage > Cookies > mail.gmail.com

Fix Gmail Bad Request - Clear Cookies Cache Chrome - Bizstyler

5. Right-click and clear mail.gmail.com
6. Refresh the page

I hope that solves the issue for you too!

Let me know if it helped, and follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more tips :-)

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How to fix bad request 404

1. Go to the page that has the error
2. Right-click page and select Inspect
3. Select Resources
4. Go to Cookies > mail.gmail.com

Clear gmail cookies in Chrome
Clear Gmail cookies in Chrome

5. Right-click and clear mail.gmail.com
6. Refresh the page

Hope that solves the issue for you too!

Let me know if it helped and follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more tips :-)

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